Thanks for requesting more information on the movies and frame sets for our "iClips" for the Solar Eclipse 2017. Before you download material from this folder, please sign up (and stay on) our mailing list - - so that we can send you additional information and news about any updates. Only subscribers who choose "planetarium educators", "museum educators" and/or "media" will get these links and updates.
Here are the links to folders with larger-format (unwatermarked) versions of the eclipse clips: (NOTE - do not share these links - see below)
We plan to update and improve these animations, so please note the "Last Modified" dates of the media files.
Please feel free to share the link to the signup list and to the low-resolution previews. Please do NOT distribute the high-resolution links because I do want to keep track of which institutions use the animations, for metrics purposes. (These are funded by NASA so we are giving the clips away free BUT we need to show usage metrics to keep getting more funding for more future clips!!)
You may freely use one or more of these clips in a show that you make for your own theater. You may charge for tickets for the show you create. You may share your show with other institutions but only if you do not charge them for it AND if you provide us the contact information for those other institutions (and a copy of the show for our archive - we will not distribute it without your permission). If you wish to make a full show to be distributed for a fee, you must work with us. We would like to have links to your show web pages and an estimated number of visitors who see these clips between now and August 21.
The credits for these first animations are:
"Animations created by Don Davis for NASA under the Rice University iClips program, as part of the Heliophysics Education Consortium. © Rice University 2017"
If necessary, shorten to:
"Created by Don Davis with NASA HEC support © Rice University 2017"
License is given for educational use in live programming and in programming in and for a single planetarium. No paid distribution of these scenes without first getting approval from:
Prof. Patricia Reiff at Rice University