# ENABLE DIRECTORY VIEWS Options +Indexes IndexOptions +FancyIndexing +NameWidth=* +DescriptionWidth=80 # SPECIFY HEADER FILE HeaderName header.html # SPECIFY FOOTER FILE ReadmeName footer.html # IGNORE THESE FILES IndexIgnore header.html footer.html # DESCRIPTIONS AddDescription "2000x2000 JPG framesets" 2K_frames AddDescription "4000x4000 JPG framesets" 4K_frames AddDescription "4000x4000 Photo-JPEG QuickTime MOV (and VERY large ~4 GB each)" 4K_movies AddDescription "1000x1000 and 2000x2000 fisheye H.264 MP4" fisheye AddDescription "1920x1080 warped H.264 and Photo-JPEG QuickTime MOV" warped