* More videos available from the MMS mission site. *


This is a collection of videos about the CLUSTER II mission, instrumentation, and results, including insight from team members about their own research and the practical applications of the mission science.

Colin Forsyth (MSSL - University College London)
Dr. Colin Forsyth is a researcher in the Space Plasma Group at UCL's Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL) studying the physics that governs the space environment in the solar system.


Robert Fear (Radio and Space Plasma Group - University of Leicester)
Robert is a researcher in the Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group at the University of Leicester. He works on the interaction process between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere, using data from the European Space Agency's CLUSTER spacecraft.


Claire Foullon (Center for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics - University of Warwick)
Claire Foullon works at the University of Warwick in the Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, studying wave phenomena and magnetism in astrophysical and space plasma.
Iryna Rozum (MSSL - University College London)
Iryna is a Research Fellow in the Dept of Space and Climate Physics at MSSL. She currently works with in-flight operations of the PEACE instrument onboard the CLUSTER II spacecraft. Research interests include magnetospheric and astrophysical plasmas, all aspects of electron/positron/photon interactions with molecules/atoms/surfaces, and spacecraft operations and instrumentation.



This is a collection of introductory educational videos explaining the phenomena and science of magnetic fields and the magnetosphere.

Patricia Reiff (Director - Rice Space Institute)
Patricia H. Reiff is a Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Director of the Rice Space Institute at Rice University. Her research focuses on space plasma physics, mostly in the area of magnetospheric physics.


Paul Cassack (Assistant Professor - Theoretical and Computational Plasma Physics - West Virginia University)
Paul Cassak's research interests include magnetic reconnection, nonlinear dynamics, physics of the solar corona, magnetospheric physics, fusion physics, space physics, plasma theory, physics education and outreach.