- Be sure to bring your permission form and the emergency contact form signed by a parent or guardian. No girl will be allowed to participate if they do not have these forms.
- Be sure a chaperone is listed in your file, one chaperone for up to ten girls, but they all have to have chosen the same interest track. Different tracks means you need more chaperones.
- Registration is at Brockman Hall FOR PHYSICS (not the opera hall). Enter the north parking lot at gate 21 (use a credit card for entry and the same credit card for exit. No tickets or receipts.).
- All workshops will be in Brockman or Herman Brown Hall. Panels and keynote will be in the Keck 100 lecture hall. Lunch and exhibits in the Graduate Commons (just west of Keck Hall and south of Herman Brown).
- All girls must check in AND check out with their group's Guide when leaving. The chaperone is responsible to accompany the girl if they leave the group for any reason or if any medical emergencies occur.
- Rain Date: in case of severe weather forecast, a notice will be sent through Eventbrite to all ticket holders. Event will be rescheduled to either April 5 or to a summer date TBD. (In the case of light or low probability rain forecast, the event will be held as scheduled.)
- Lost child: Lost children should come to the event staff at the Brockman breezeway or find the closest policeman (in the Graduate commons or elsewhere) or use the blue light telephone.
- Medical emergencies: (minor) the student's Chaperone will tell the group Guide that you are going to the EMT on duty (stationed in the Graduate Commons) and tell them and the Event Coordinators (in the Brockman Breezeway) of the issue, including the chaperone name and phone number and the student name. Contact the emergency numbers on the student's Emergency Contact Form. (Major): call 911 or use the blue emergency telephone before performing the above notifications.
- Fire evacuation: In case of building fire alarms, exit the buildings safely and reassemble in the East end of the North parking lot. Stay with your group Guide until it is safe to resume.
- Weather related emergency: In case of an emergency notification, the people in Brockman will use the SIP location in the basement of Brockman, the people in Herman Brown and the Graduate Commons will use the SIP location in the second floor hallway of Herman Brown, and the people in Keck will use the SIP location in the hallway of the main Keck building.
- Check out before leaving: If the child needs to leave the event for any reason, and/or at the end the event, be sure that she is checked out properly with the group Guide.
The 2025 Reach For The Stars keynote speaker is Dr. Julianne Pollard-Larkin, the Physics Section Chief of Thoracic Service in the Department of Radiation Physics at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
This lecture will focus on how Physics students can use their personal life story as the inspiration for their passion in their profession. Dr. Pollard-Larkin sees her identity, heritage and upbringing as a huge source of strength, passion, creativity and motivation for all of her career successes. She will walk the students through her personal story and show them how to reframe their personal narrative for their own benefit. She also will go over some of the clinical and scientific innovations she works on in her capacity as a chief clinical medical physicist at the top cancer center in the world, MD Anderson Cancer Center.

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