Dr. Patricia Reiff | reiff@rice.edu
(713) 348-4634
Rice Space Institute, MS-108
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005-1892
The "Live View" team had four telescopes switchable for our live eclipse feed, which unfortunately had only brief glimpses of the eclipsed sun. From left: Patricia Reiff, Steve Cowart (HMNS), Chloe Liebenthal (Rice ’23), Quinn Dismukes (HMNS), Bethany Elliott (Rice incoming freshman), Charles Gray (H-alpha), Carolyn Sumners (HMNS), Don Garcia (Network switching guru), Jack Lee (Rice sophomore), Logan Anthony (network assistant), Dave Jones (Stormcenter.com; meteorologist and broadcast host); Ellen Prager (Stormcenter.com). Uplink/downlink paid for by ePlanetarium.com
Rice faculty and alumni travel to path of totality for ‘Great Owl Eclipse’ |
fisheye time-lapse of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse - Flying L Ranch, Bandera TX |
wide-angle time-lapse of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse - Lac Brome in Quebec - by Alan Dyer |