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Eclipse Animations


NOTE: All animations below are included in the FREE full-dome planetarium show TOTALITY 2024. Visit the show page to request a copy and participate in our eclipse education netowrk.

About the Animations

Below are links to eclipse animations which show views of solar and lunar eclipses as seen from various viewpoints.  They were created by Don Davis under contract to Rice University, paid for by the NASA Space Science Education Consortium, and are copyright Rice University but free to use for non-commercial purposes.

Note that these are not real images but animations based on actual images and eclipse photography, created in response to a planetarium user survey

To join our Eclipse Animations and Information mailing list and receive notices when these are updated, go to our

Animations are available in fisheye and prewarped formats for planetarium use and in flatscreen versions for schools, museums and the media. Higher-resolution versions are available on request, and are free except for media and shipping and handling.  Animations and frame sets can freely be used in local shows or news broadcasts; for commercial distribution rights contact Dr. Reiff. Versions are available with or without burned-in subtitles, and external scripts are available. The scripted audio and subtitles are suggested samplkes and can be modified as needed.

To download the full-resolution versions, and obtain licenses for using the animations or frames in shows to be distributed, please fill out our


Animations (preview sized)

Annular Eclipse geometry | README
animation shows the umbra not quite reaching the earth, then swings camera to look at the moon covering most of the Sun, leaving a ring.

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Annular Eclipse closeup view | README
animation shows shows the filtered eyepiece view with the clouds moving with halo rainbows, like one might see by holding a piece of solar filter against the sky. Sky darkens during annularity.

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Annular Eclipse filtered view | README
animation shows filtered eyepiece view of an annular eclipse but with only the black background (i.e. view with eclipse glasses on)

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Eclipse Geometry | README
Shows the geometry of solar and lunar eclipses

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Baily’s beads | README
Zoom-in of Baily’s beads just before totality

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Solar Eclipse from Earth | README
Zoom-in of partial to total solar eclipse including diamond ring

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Solar Eclipse from Orbit | README
View of the shadow of the Moon crossing the Earth’s surface as might be seen from a spacecraft in Earth orbit

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Solar Eclipse from Moon | README
View of the Earth during a solar eclipse as seen from the Moon. The lunar surface is darkened temporarily because of the reduction in "Earthshine"

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Lunar Eclipse From Earth | README
Shows the Earth’s shadow crossing the full moon. Both partial and full phases of the lunar eclipse are seen

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4

Lunar Eclipse from Moon | README
View from the lunar surface as the Earth passes in front of the Sun. This would be a total LUNAR eclipse as observed from Earth, but a total SOLAR eclipse for someone on the moon.

fisheye MP4

flatscreen MP4