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W5YG - Ham Radio Club

The Rice University Amateur Radio Club, Licensed by the FCC as W5YG, has been operating for decades on the Rice campus, first in the engineering buildings and more recently in Herman Brown Hall.  The present Trustee is Professor Patricia Reiff W5TAR.  Previous trustees include Paul Engel K6OKA and Ed Feustel AI1R.


The club station presently uses a Kenwood TS-2000 transceiver, with crossed Inverted-V dipole antennas (one 10m, one 20m) on the roof of Herman Brown Hall, plus a vertical for VHF/UHF.


Over 50 students have received Ham licenses in the past 20 years under the tutelage of Dr. Reiff, both in the "Physics of Ham Radio" class (previously PHYS 401, now PHYS 501), and also in classes taught at summer camps at HMNS.   The class is offered every other year (next will be offered fall 2022).

The class is open to interested undergraduates with permission of the instructor.

To join the club and to get on the mailing list, contact Prof Reiff (reiff@rice.edu)